Mostly Containing Nitrogen Mostly Containing Nitrogen: The various examples of naturally occurring plant substances that contain nitrogen as essential component are as follows:
(A) Amino Acids: They are mostly present in the protein hydrolysates.
(B) Proteins: These form an essential component of natural products e.g., seeds, fruits, barks, leaves etc.
(C) Amines and Allied Compounds:
(a) Capsaicin (Syn: Mioton; Zostrix): It is the pungent principal in fruits of various species of Capsicum, Solanaceae. It is isolated from aparika and cayenne.

(b) Trigonelline (Syn: Coffearin; Gynesine; Trigenolline): It occurs in the seeds of Trigonella foenumgraecum L., in coffee beans, in the seeds of Strophanthus spp. and the Cannabis sativa L., Besides in seeds of many other plants. It is also found in jellyfish and in sea urchin.

(c) Trimethylamine: It occurs as a degradation product of nitrogenous plant and animal substances. It is widely distributed in animal tissue and especially in fish.

Ashutosh Kar (2003), Pharmacognosy and Pharmaco biotechnology, 2nd Edition
‘Handbook of Medicinal Herbs’ (2001), J.A. Duke, CRC-Press, London, 1st Edn.
William Charles Evans (2002), Trease and Evans Pharmacognosy 15th Edition by: Trease, Bailliere Tindall; Evans.
Ramstad (1956), E., ‘Modern Pharmacognosy’, McGraw Hill, London.
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